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Hey Guys! I’m Malibu! My passion for Wrestling began very early in life! Being raised in the country by my grandparents, I lived a very sheltered life. I went to school and back home and that was it! If we weren’t watching educational television we were watching wrestling! Watching wrestling transported me away from my monotonous life. I began to realize I wanted to be just like the superstars I admired! My life became consumed with nothing but wresting!! When I was in high school I begged my grandparents to let me tryout for the schools wrestling team... Them saying “no” crushed me! But, I was more determined than ever! Surprisingly, my junior year of high school my grandparents let me go to a local Indy show. I met a few of the wrestlers and got some contacts! I knew this would be my way in. This would be the start to my journey. The day I graduated high school was also the night I had my first wrestling match! While my senior class was out drinking and partying and celebrating their freedom. I was preparing to debut in Milledgeville, Ga at GIWA as MALIBU!! The name Malibu comes from my love of Barbie! I love the empowerment Barbie symbolizes with her slogan “you can be anything”. Because of wresting I’ve gotten to travel to many different states and meet so many amazing and talented “workers”! I’ve also got the opportunity to meet lot of famous superstars as well! To this day Scott Hall smacks my ass every time we’re at a venue together! .... and I let him! Sorry. Not sorry! LOL Guess he can’t resist! Can you blame him? So, this is how my career in professional wrestling began. Thanks for reading! See you guys on the mat!

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